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About PaganArtistry

Pagan Artistry is a place where pagans, lovers of mythology, and ancient art enthusiasts can put their visions into physical form. Here, the ancient gods come to life in exquisite, modern-day sculptures! Each divine masterpiece is a labor of love, handcrafted with utmost care, attention to detail and historical accuracy. Whether you have specific preferences or seek inspiration from the Numinous, your vision is my guide.  I use natural materials and wood fired kilns to seal the divine image into its clay body.

Artist Portrait
Artist signature

My commitment to authenticity begins with the very earth beneath our feet – each statue is formed from clay that I personally dig and purify. 

After a patient two-week drying process, my creations are fired in my kiln, where they remain overnight. The next step is a personalized touch – meticulous sanding and glazing for a classic look, or vibrant paints and lavish patterns for a burst of color and energy.

Amun-Ra Horned
Uraeus on Crown
Drying statue
Brick Kiln
Painting Ancient statue

After I paint and assemble the statue, I give it some finishing touches i.e. inscriptions,  gemstones and copper accents.

Ptah Djed detail
Senehem finalized

In order to ensure magical activation, I keep the respective god  in my personal shrine for a time and feed them my mental and physical energy in form of ritual worship.

Here's how you get your own custom-made, personalized statue:

Offering table
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